A Couple Revelations!

I promise this will be shorter than my last post. Gee willigers, it just kept going on and on. To tell the truth, I probably could have said more about each of those products but wanted to at least try to keep it somewhat short and succinct. Back to my revelation, after staying home with my tot again in this week I realized she loves being busy and engaged. She isn’t just trying to drive…

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Oh, the cuteness

So, here we go with my first short post that would normally go on Facebook. Ready, set, go! It is really interesting watching your toddler learn things, rather mysteriously. This morning the ice-maker made its magical making ice noises and Cec whispered to me, “Mommy, what’s that noise?” Ha! I just can’t get over the cuteness. Of course, just to put me in my place, she proceeded to have a complete fit while I tried…

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