Glow Getter Moisturizer!

Moisturizer is a product that has always seemed a bit complicated to me. It is only made more so by the fact that I have moderately oily skin, although this has lessened with (I assume) age and difference in products. I have also limited my usage of those “strip your skin” cleansers, which I’m beginning to think made my oil situation worse. But that is a conversation for a different blog post. The topic on…

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New Finds!

With the new year, I’m trying to discover what I want for this blog. I think for now it is a journey, which I am okay with it. At the end of the day, isn’t that life? For today, I am going to ramble on about a few of my favorite new things because it’s fun. Since having C, I must admit that makeup (as well as most other hobbies and – let’s be honest…

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Farewell, 2019

Here we are again standing at the edge of a brand new year! Oh, man, did this one fly by in a flashy blur. I find myself inspired at this time of new beginnings. After all, we are entering not only a new year, but a new decade. How exciting! I thought reflecting on the year with positively would be a good way to say goodbye. Then, I will look ahead and make some small…

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What to do?

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? I cannot tell you how many times I repeat this to myself time after time, year after year. And I still don’t know the answer. There is this chronic sense of restlessness always lingering below the surface, my entire life, invading every spare and/or quiet moment, every thought. As the mother of a new-ish baby, there is less time for that; however, the feelings…

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The Cloth Story

We took two baby classes early in my third trimester (both on the same day). During the one that gave the numbers for how many diapers a new baby goes through, my husband proclaimed his resolve to not use disposables. He was appalled at the amount of waste it made even in those early days. I remained unsure but also saddened by that much garbage. So we discussed at least using cloth diapers while at…

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Panasonic Electric Razor Review

Not long ago I finally ran out of my supply of Harry’s refills. Previously, I received the refills in their subscription service automatically and wound up with oodles. Those lasted for approximately 8 years. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but it was a long time. I was not particularly impressed by the quality but used them up because I paid for them and honestly I didn’t anticipate it would take so long to get…

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Do Natural Deodorants Work?

In years past, I used clinical strength deodorant/antiperspirant because – well – a girl has to do what she has to some times. However, in time, even those began to not work so well; perhaps it is something with my body’s chemistry. In any event, I began exploring the wild world of natural deodorants. There were a few I tried initially that were shortly discontinued as mostly ineffective including Tom’s and Jason. I did not…

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Days past and those to come

I looked into her big beautiful blue-green eyes this morning. For a moment, I pondered the dreams that may already live behind those eyes. What kind of person will she be? As she shot me a toothy grin, it struck me the people she will never know. She missed the chance to hear Megan’s laugh or jam out with her to some Smashing Pumpkins to destress after an argument with me about wearing makeup or…

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Here a Box, There a Box

Subscription services are all the rage these days. You can get them for everything from health and beauty products to hobby boxes including books or knitting. There are also ones out there for the kiddos to learn their STEM skills. The Little One might try that out when she is a skosh older. The basis of today’s information regards the exciting notion of ordering cleaning products. I initially saw this on one of the YouTube…

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Seasons change

It’s been a few days and all of the sudden spring decided to show up. While it is beautiful and amazing to watch everything bloom, it also means that my face feels like it is going to explode. Hence, the gap in my posts. I have ideas in the works, but it will take a few days to get back in the flow. I have been messing around with the idea of having a set…

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