Blogging Life

A Little Different

Recently, I have realized that I need to make some changes to become more productive and decrease some of the stressors invading my creativity. There are enough of those stressors that are not in my control, that it feels good to get rid of the ones that are. To that end, I have made the decision to decrease greatly, if not, eliminate posting on Facebook.

Let me explain. I have been contemplating deactivating my account on Facebook. And don’t misunderstand, this decision doesn’t have as much to do with the political or other things going on right now. It is more about the fact that I don’t find myself getting nearly as much out of it as I used to. The thing I loved about it before was connecting with people that I don’t get the opportunity to see as much as I would like, for one reason or the other. However, a lot of the time, my feed is so clogged up by ads or some of the groups I follow, that I rarely see actual posts. The other thing is, as much as I love a good meme, they are just everywhere to the point where people aren’t really even sharing their own words anymore, including myself.

To get back to the point, I found myself saddened by the thought that if I deactivated my profile I would not have memories of the last 10 years (or however long I’ve been on that platform…I don’t remember how long it has been exactly). That lead me to this profound revelation: Facebook should not own my memories or at least I don’t want it to. So why not, instead, share my memories (from this day forward) here instead. Granted: This website is still the internet, of course; so I still don’t “own” it, but I feel like I have more control than the alternative.

So, whenever I feel the urge to share something, it will go here. This, of course, will result in some really short posts. In the past, I have put all of these restraints and labels on what my content should or has to be. Here’s the thing. This is my space and I should do with it what I want. I HAVE to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks this should be or who they think I should be. I need to stay true to me and everything else will take care of itself. Perhaps this blog will only ever be me talking to myself or a few of my dear friends. It would be nice if it struck a chord with more people than that and became “a thing” but I’m fine if it doesn’t.

So there it is, my long-winded reasoning for why there will now likely be a lot more content around these parts. Enjoy!

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