Here we are again standing at the edge of a brand new year! Oh, man, did this one fly by in a flashy blur. I find myself inspired at this time of new beginnings. After all, we are entering not only a new year, but a new decade. How exciting! I thought reflecting on the year with positively would be a good way to say goodbye. Then, I will look ahead and make some small goals for 2020.
- Advanced into a new role at the day job. Thanks to Dad’s advice of making myself as useful as possible and learn as many jobs as I can.
- Developed a more structured routine at home with little C, in terms of how to get all of our stuff done. Although we still have a ways to go as we enter the fun adventurous toddler age. It’s a whole new world!
- Saved a little money. Again, I have a long way to go in this department. But a lot of changes were made to how the money was spent and I feel like we are making some headway.
I’m sure there were many more, but those were the most notable that I remember. It continued to be a somewhat difficult year as I continued to navigate new motherhood. However, I will try to continue searching for the positives. Now for the really fun part, looking forward and planning for 2020!
- Write more! This past year I did not get much writing done. I could come up with lots of excuses, but at the end of the day, I just didn’t feel inspired. In 2020, I am not going to wait for inspiration. I am going to write regardless. Write until it is interesting. Write because it feels good, not with any thought of what benefit it may bring.
- On that same note…READ more! I have always found that writing is easier and better if I read more. I suppose that does make sense. Again, this is something I just HAVE to make time to do. Since we have more of a doable schedule (at least until the next world-turning change happens), I should have more flexibility. Time to prioritize and turn off the mindless habit of YouTube or time-wasting games on my phone. HA!
- Utilize my planner…Both of them. For Christmas this year, my wonderful husband gifted me a few reusable notebooks; one of which has an agenda section. I also purchased an amazing old-school paper planner at Aldi which is less travel-friendly as it is quite bulky. It is my intention to utilize these more than I have in the past. Perhaps on Sunday’s I can be better about planning out my week. I’m hoping this goal will help me to be successful in some of the other goals on my list.
- Communicate better with my husband and daughter. This sounds so simple, but I tend to internalize the details in my life that are difficult. In 2020, I am making it a priority to let my family in my world more. Even as I type this, it feels quite uncomfortable to put out there. But I need to hold myself accountable.
- Move more! This is going to be easier this year, I have a feeling, as my daughter has a go, go, go attitude. She loves to be moving and outside, which will make this goal a lot simpler to achieve. I know that I need to be more active and that it will make me feel better. Again, I just have to make myself do it.
I feel like five goals is a good number to start with, and we will see where we go from there. Perhaps I will revisit this kind of post again in a few months to check in on how it is going. I do have a few more blog post ideas that I have been bouncing around in my head; so stay tuned. 2020 is here. Hello New Year!
Until next time, be kind and have a great day!